dear so-called human being,
with rotten egg as your malfunctioning brain.
i don't mind whatever you do to me,
how hard you try to cloud others about true you,
in fact, i don't give a damn.
because i know i'm already old enough to act as a high school bitch.
you want to tell lies about me to the others?
it just make you look more desperately begging for attention,
make you smell like a pathetic wuss.
if other seems to be okay with me, but you're not,
its mean, you the one who are problematic.
egg brain.
and fyi,
its wasn't me, wasn't me,
who dragging others away from you.
its yourself. bitchy attitude yet accusing me the one who's brat?
think again.rotten egg brain.
so, quit acting cute, nice and fluffy.
your stink bomb just exploded,
your lies just exposed.
egg brain dog.
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