yes people,i personally think people who turned off their light or any electric devices for an hour only to support earth hour are moron. major one. following the trend without knowing the truth. how idiotic you can be?
earth hour is a global event, launched a few years back ago, by WWF, in order to increase the climate change, carbon dioxide emission awareness by reducing energy consumption.
earth hour supporting by turning off your light bulb is only reasonable in other region such as australia,us , korea, japan and ect, but not in malaysia.
this is because in malaysia , here, malaysia use hydro to generate electricity.
so no natural resources is save by doing so.
and i presume everybody knows that hydro resources is renewable and green.
yes people, green.
not like other region as i mention above, they use natural resources to generate their electricity, especially black coal.
oh did i mention, australia generate their electricity by black coal too?
and did i mention its the aussie who started this earth hour thinggy?
dear fellow malaysian, i personally oppose the way malaysian support this and that without doing the research about it.
the right way to support earth hour is by step out from your vehicle, your car, your motorcycle, and start walking or cycling. and only by that we can actually save our lacking natural resources, petroleum.
only by that we can actually save our natural resources and reduce the actual so-called global warming.
if you really intended to save the earth, start acting now.
besides, lighting your paraffin candle in the dark, one whole hour only releases more hydrocarbon. how does that help in reducing carbon dioxide emission huh?
i never against the idea of WWF to save the earth,
i just get irritated about the idea what does malaysian could contibute by switching off the light.
people get so excited when it's actually nothing.
you're not saving anything, just making it worse.yes yes yes. stop denying!
who actually being fooled by this, put your hands up!
3 kisses:
Honey, kindly check this link (scroll further downwards):
for a list of electric generating power plants in Malaysia and what sort of natural resources they use.
apparently you dont understand what does "renewable resource" and "non-renewable resource" really means.
which means electric generated by hyrdo=water=renewable source=able to be re-use again again n again.
we wont lost even a drip of it.
total saved energy from this event?zero.
Tapi according to the wiki page, kita tak 100% guna hidro saudari. Ada guna gas stc. Jadi, no savings from other resources yg kita guna?
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